Thursday, November 7, 2013

Who do we think we are?

Aren't we all something?
Where did we come from and where are we going?
Isn't that the big question?

Buddhism's view is that God is beyond description so there is nothing tangible....(sounds like they just want to be in a vapor of happiness and tranquility at all times doesn't it? Wouldn't that be nice). Their way to God is to become enlightened thru an eight fold path. To be detached from the world. DETACHED? wouldn't that mean we have no meaning?

Hinduism's view is that God is everything (he is not distinct). So therefore you are reincarnated everytime you pass through the black hole so to speak. Why? so that you can continue to perfect yourself! Karma they call it! How are you affectiing the what? Universe? Ahhhhh thats it...because you are absorbed unto the unconciousness of the Universe. Ok now I see....then what? hmmmm sounds uhm like "Lost in Space".

I once was lost and now am found

Ok check this out...

Islams view is that there is one god, Ala. And they submit to the 5 pillars which are 1) their testimony of faith) 2) prayer 3) giving zakat (to grow in goodness, purify by giving 4) fasting the month of ramadan (which is their ninth month) to have their past sins forgiven 5) the pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca). This one is a little more complex but important. Makkah is said to be one of the oldest cities in the world being linked to Abraham, his second wife Hagar and elder son Ishmael. Arafat being a sacred site in the city is linked to Adam and Eve who are said to have met there after a long period of seperation caused by the fall.

Islams believe that paradise is a celebration of self endulgence, for the men only! (now where in the __ do the women go?) And they get 70 virgins? Women or Men? After all its for men only right? Hmm now if you think about it....where does this self indulgence ideal come from? You have the word SELF and INDULGENCE. you have Makkah (Mecca) connected to Abraham's second wife Hagar and son Ishmael which came out of sin! Isn't sin all about self and indulgence? get it? What the hell!!

Now if you take a look at all three of these religious beliefs what are the similarities of them all?
This is exhausting to me!! You have to do this or that........perfect yourself and earn your rewards and a way to a better place.

Then there is Chrisianity...Christ like! One God in three persons. One sacrifice that opened that door to God. It cannot be earned, only given. A gift! (I love gifts!) You cannot enter heaven unless you receive the gift. Three Persons?? what is that all about? God the 1st who gave us Jesus the 2nd who gave us the Holy Spirit the 3rd.
Heaven being our most unimaginable home of worship to God. Singing, Dancing and having a party! Every one of us!

Jesus being the ultimate sacrifice! get it Adam? get it Eve? You screwed up and Jesus came and fixed it for us all!! Well then after all his suffering for us was done he said see ya, I am going up to my house to hang out with our father (God) and prepare a place for you guys. But I won't leave you entirely so here is my Holy Spirit so that you guys can have help cause you will need it. Ha! Heaven? well this being our most unimaginable home of worship to God. Singing, dancing and having a good time each and everyone of us. No more tears and no more pain.

So how do you receive this gift and what is it?
Believe in your heart who Jesus is and accept what he did for you.

"It is finished"
John 19:30

How do I do that?
Well ya have to quit beleiving in yourself so much!
Who do you think you are anyways?

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