Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fear & Regret

What two awful binding chains to have around your neck. Two tools of our enemy that he uses to keep us down and cause havoc in our lives. Me. Feeling this huge chasm between my life and a happy ending, Jesus reminds me of his forgiveness.

Luke 7:36-48 her many sins have been forgiven, for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little.

Psalm 34:5 Those who look on him are radiant, their faces are never covered with shame.

"The heart of the human problem is the heart of the human"
Max Lucado

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Blogging in Word 2007

Thanks to Word 2007, I can now create and post blogs straight from the word processor.

Gracias a Word 2007, ahora puedo crear y publicar blogs directamente desde el procesador de textos.